Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Romeo and Juliet essay - April 26, 2011

The Romeo and Juliet project has affected many students and teachers. Some people think that the Romeo and Juliet project is not valuable for the classroom or the students. Some parents believe that the only way to learn Romeo and Juliet is to take a test and read the book. A hands-on experience is one reason why this project is good for the students. The usage of tech tools also helps the students to know a wider variety of options to use later on in school. Knowing responsibility helps the students to grow up more and take charge of the students’ life. Communicating also helps the students to know how to talk to other people. Having an emotional aspect for this project makes learning Romeo and Juliet all the more better. Taking tests and reading the book has its advantages, but the Romeo and Juliet project is very valuable in the classroom.   
A hands-on experience is valuable because the students would be able to take the project into their own understanding. If students just sit and read the book the students would not want to pay as much attention to the story. Just sitting and reading the book is tedious for the students and probably for the teacher as well. Understanding Romeo and Juliet is of course one of the things that students had to do, but in order for the students to learn it and to get the story properly is by making this project a hands on experience. A hands-on experience also stays in the students’ memory more than reading it or taking a test after every act or scene. High school is supposed to be filled with fun and excitement and that is what the project of Romeo and Juliet was. Also, another way that hands-on experience is a good thing is because it gets the students interactive with other people. Being interactive is a good way for students to know people skills. People skills are good for applying for a job because it allows you to know how to work with people. All of this involves a hands-on experience task which is very valuable. A hands-on experience is a valuable thing to handle, but the usage of tech tools is also very important.
Tech tools are very valuable for the students. It gives the students new understanding about how to use different tech tools that the students would not normally use. Knowing how to manage the tech tools is good when applying for a job. It allows the students to have a wider variety of achievements to handle which a boss might be looking for. It also might help in college when a project or essay needs to be turned in to a certain webpage or site. For this project, students used different sites such as blogger, glogster, face book, twitter and so on. Knowing how to handle these sorts of tech tools at an early age is also an advantage for later years of high school. The students could take that knowledge and embed that ability into a different project which could make the project more interesting and exciting. This project helps the students to learn different tech tools, but it also helps the students to take responsibility.    
Responsibility is a valuable thing to have during this project and everyday life. Responsibility can teach the students to fulfill tasks on time and properly. During the Romeo and Juliet project, the students got to pick what job to participate in. The students were either the reason the project happened or completely failed. Everything was up to the students’ decision whether it was the way the script was being written or the props and costumes. The actors and actresses even got the option to tweak the script if needed. The lesson that the students learned will be useful in applying for a job or even getting the students through to college. It helps the students to be more accurate in work and to know the consequences of actions that need to be handled. Responsibility is a good thing for a student to have, but communicating is just as important to know.   
            Communicating also plays a very valuable role in this project. It allows students to get in touch with their people skills. With people skills, it can help the students later in life when a job interview comes up. It can also help when a project comes up with people that are not friends in college or maybe at work. Without good communication skills, it would be hard for people to understand the students in content. It may even drive the people away because the people skills are not present with the student. Not being able to communicate will cause the students stress with other projects that might involve other people. In that case, nothing will get done or completed properly with poor communication. Communicating is good for a student to know how to do, but the emotional aspect of the whole project is even more important to experience.   

The emotional aspect of this project alone is valuable. If the Romeo and Juliet project was boring then the students would not remember it. Also, if the project was just based on reading and taking tests then the students would not remember it. Understanding the underlying message will not reach the students mind without fully understanding it by taking the material into the students’ hands. It allows the students’ mind to process the concept and idea written in the words of Romeo and Juliet. It also allowed the students to have fun with the project. High school is supposed to be fun attached to learning and that is what this project entailed. The students would remember how Romeo and Juliet was written since the project let the students experience it hands on which is the best part about it. Without that packed down in the student’s mind then the project would not have been enjoying and have created. Everything that these aspects involve is all a part of an emotional aspect which is important to the students and the teachers. 
The Romeo and Juliet project has had students talking all around the school. It has given the students a fun experience and yet they have learned the story of Romeo and Juliet. With the important aspects of this project, it helped the students’ knowledge wise and the students also had fun. The students know how to handle different things that could help the students later on in life. It also gives the students the proper knowledge of responsibility and communicating. This project may just only be a classroom project, but it has value for teachers many students. Since this project has made the students work to the students’ utmost ability, it will last in the students’ memory for a life time. Some parents may think that this project was just a waste of time, but the Romeo and Juliet project was worth much more than people think.  

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Final Post - April 13, 2011

This is my final post for the project of Romeo and Juliet. I'm sad that this is ending , but I'm also excited to see the finished project. We all worked very hard on it. I'm not entirely sure how it will turn out , but I do know that it's going to be amazing because we all worked on it together. I kind of do not want this project to end because I really liked this and I honestly would not have had fun reading or taking a test because it really would not stick in my head. Again , I'm looking forward to the project and the finished movie. It will be one of the most memorable memories of my freshman year and probably throughout my 4 years of highschool. I never thought that the ending of this project would come so quickly. It just seemed like yesterday that we were picking out the jobs that we would like to have during this project. I'm sad to see it finally over. I loved working on it and I hope that I would be able to do things like this later on in my years here at South. Good job everyone on the awesome work that we have put into it. This is the final farewell and good day to you all ! The Romeo and Juliet project has finally come to a close.  

Friday, April 8, 2011

Fifth Ad Post - April 8, 2011

This glog may not be as detailed as it appears to be but in a way it covers a lot of detail. The background I thought would be really interesting to the eye. I don't think that it was as detailed as it could have been. Although it does give some eye appeal because of the colors. I chose a picture where there's just two big flowers off to the corner because I thought it might be able to symbolize that Romeo and Juliet didn't care about what other people. They loved each other and they were not going to let others tell them that they can't. My next glog is going to be a bit more detailed. I am coming up with more ideas that I thought I would so I'm defenitely excited over that. I hope I just don't run out of ideas at the last minute.


This other glog I thought showed more detail than the last. I chose the planets in the background being shown in front of earth because Romeo and Juliet we're two completely different people and yet they fell in love. They did not care about loving the other person from the other family and they were in their own world. I contrasted color by having the darker areas white and the lighter areas white. I thought that that might be a new way to attract attention. I thought that it was not plain because of the complex background. I also did not want to add anything to this glog due to the background. I don't know if I'm going to keep coming up with ideas but I hope that I dont run out of ideas. I also chose the quotes I picked because I thought that it has somewhat to due with the meaning of the background. Next time I will go even further and make it even more exciting


Friday, April 1, 2011

Fourth Post - April 1 , 2011

This blog I was a bit more creative than the rest. I honestly think in some aspects of the glog that it was a bit distracting  but it still looks good in my opinion. I think with my next glog that I'm going to make will be a little less distracting and yet still be colourful and creative. In this glog i put a really complex tree in the background. I thought that the tree could represent the balcony scene. I think the colours add a little bit of a feel to the glog. Next time I'm going to try and make it better. I'm still full of ideas and I can't wait to make them ! The contest is still on !


Friday, March 25, 2011

Thrid Ad Post - March 25

This is my other ad post. I went a bit more detailed than I did before. I used a red colour pallet for the main colour theme. I like this one a bit more than the others because it doesnt just give infomation. It alaso gives pictures and little accent pictures to make the words pop. I'm going to continue to make more ad posts with the same type of layout but not the same idea. I can't wait to make more ads. Laura and I are going to have a bet so i hope i win ! I will be better with my next ad posts. I shall not disappoint.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Second Ad Post - March 23 , 2011

I chose to do this sort of layout because I wanted to experiment with different styles and appearances for my later ads. My ad has a picture of a mask and I took quotes related to the party. It may be plain but it has the main features that the ad should contain. In my next ad I'm going to do a more detailed ad and it's going to contain a bit more pictures and if not I'm going to ad a bit more background to it. I've got some more ideas so I'm excited to start another one. Again I just hope that I won't run out of ideas for my other ads to come. I wish myself luck ! xD.


Thursday, March 17, 2011

First Ad Post - March 17th , 2011

This ad is just basically the cast , the time and place , a picture , and a couple of quotes. The quotes are a few of the most popular lines throughout the play. I had fun making this ad because i got to experiment with different types of formats but narrowed it down to one. I just hope that the next ad will be just as good and creative. Plus I hope i don't run out of ideas ! That would not be good :D


Saturday, March 12, 2011

My 1st Blog - My Expectations

Hey , this is Rachel. My expectations for this project is that it's not going to be easy but it's going to be fun. I'm looking forward to creating print ads because I like to create things and I like to be creative with my work. I chose to do print advertising because it involves thinking in what to do or write. I thought it was would be fun and it probably is fun. Well , I'm looking forward to seeing what the finish product of our little play would be and all the work that is put into it. I can't wait to get started.